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Elections for PMI Phoenix Chapter Board Positions


Elections for PMI Phoenix Chapter Board Positions 

We are looking for 5 courageous leaders to join our board! 

Each position is for a two-year term, starting in January 2023.  

How do I submit a nomination? 

Click here: Nomination Form  

Where can I get more information? 

Follow this link to the Chapter Elections webpage 

What is the elections process for 2022? 

  1. PMI Phoenix Chapter Nominations Committee evaluates nominees May 1 - June 30 
  2. Nominee agreement to be on the ballot 
    1. Resume submission 
    2. Panel interview with Nominations Committee 
    3. Nominations Committee confirms nominees and requests presentations in June 
  3. Ballot finalized by July 1 
  4. Nominee's presentation to PMI Phoenix Chapter members in July 
  5. Elections open on August 1 
  6. Elections close on September 1 
  7. Results presentation to PMI Phoenix Chapter members in September 
  8. The transition of the outgoing board to the incoming board September - December 



For any additional questions, please email elections@pmiphx.org  


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