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Paradise Valley Science and Engineering Fair

Press release
Volunteer Spotlight

PMI Phoenix is requesting judges to assist with the Paradise Valley Science and Engineering Fair. Judging occurs starting on January 31, 2022 and will extend through February 10, 2022. Judging is done virtually and all judges are provided with the appropriate judging information. From a judging standpoint, you will be judging the process and you do not have to be an expert in a particular scientific or engineering area. The attached flyer provides an overview of the different science and engineering areas.
PMI Phoenix Academic Outreach is continually looking for ways to give back to our community. This is an opportunity where we can provide educational mentoring and assistance to students so that they can get feedback from project management professionals.


  • Judges should sign up via the following link for Paradise Valley Science Fair: https://forms.gle/rhc6xxj61AKsN8He9
  • Please list PMI Phoenix as the organization that you are representing.
  • Please send an email to steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org to let him know that you are participating in this endeavor.
  • Please track the hours that you spend performing your feedback responsibilities.
  • If you do have questions regarding this, please contact Steve Poessnecker (steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org) or Phil Howardell STEM/CREST Coordinator for Paradise Valley Schools (phowardell@pvschools.net),

PVSEF 2022 Judges Registration
The Paradise Valley Schools Science and Engineering Fair (PVSEF) will be held virtually this year. Judges will not be asked to travel to PVHS to judge projects as in past years. JAN 31 - FEB 4, 2022 - Judging of electronic presentation is remote and can be done at a convenient time to the judge. Each judge will get 6-8 presentation documents to score in advance of the interviews. FEB 8-10, 2022 - Live video interviews will take place online using Google Meet, generally starting at 5:00 PM. Judges will interview the same teams they scored on the presentations. All plans are subject to change. The purpose of this form is gauge interest in judging for this year's Fair. Please use this form to register for the Paradise Valley Schools Science and Engineering Fair. There is a choice to tell us you are interested but are not sure if you can commit at this time. We will follow up with all judges to finalize plans. If you know others who might like to judge, a link to this form is included at the end.

Competition Detail

  • Participants are middle and high school students enrolled in some STEM courses in Paradise Valley Schools. The majority of the high school students are enrolled in CREST, a four-year STEM program at Paradise Valley High School. Most of these students are 9th graders doing their first research project. There will also be some other CREST teams from the three strands, Bioscience, Engineering, and Computer Science.
  • Winners from the District Fair will qualify to compete at the Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (AZSEF)
  • The Fair is virtual again this year due to a safety issue with COVID
  • Judging takes place in two stages:
    • January 31- February 4-judges review and score electronic presentation documents that describe the project. Each student group will use a template so all projects have the same look. This review can be taken at any time during the week at the judge's convenience. Depending on how many judges we get, each judge will review 6-10 projects. Depending on the judge, each review takes about 10 minutes
      • Judges will receive both the electronic presentation document as well as a "Quad Chart", a one-page synopsis of the project to orient the judge to the presentation. Judges only evaluate the presentation and not the Quad Chart.
    • February 8-10 - Judges will conduct live remote interviews with project teams using Google Meet. We set up the Meeting Room, judges stay in the same room each night, and student teams rotate in and out of the rooms at the appointed time.
    • Judges will have 10 minutes to interview the same teams they reviewed the week before. They will then have 5 minutes to complete any scoring not done during the interview. Teachers will host the rooms and be there to assist with technical issues.
      • In the past, judges were assigned to one night of judging.
      • All scoring will be done electronically on a Google Form.


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