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Judging for Elementary/Junior High Paradise Valley Science and Engineering Fair


PMI Phoenix is requesting judges to assist with the Elementary and Junior High Paradise Valley Science and Engineering Fair.   The Paradise Valley Elementary and Middle School Science and Engineering Fair (Jr. PVSEF) is quickly coming up. From a judging standpoint, you will be judging the process and you do not have to be an expert in a particular scientific or engineering area.  The students greatly benefit from interacting with professionals and adults which will better prepare them to continue to complete research projects and compete at the next level. PMI Phoenix and the Fair Committee is very appreciative of your efforts.


  • The fair is in-person.
  • It will be held on March 4, 2023, from 8:30 - 11:00 am.
  • Judge orientation is from 8:00 - 8:30 am
  • Each judge will be assigned 6-8 projects to judge.
  • Project judging will be 10 minutes per project with 5 minutes between projects to finish digital judge forms (15 minutes/project).
  • The awards ceremony will be virtual on Monday, March 5, 2023, at 5pm.
  • Student awards will be sent to each school so teams can have their own school celebration.
  • Winners of Jr. PVSEF move on to the state science and engineering fair (AZSEF) on March 30, 2023 (Projects must be registered by March 15, 2023)



  • Judges should sign up via the following link for PV Schools District Science Fair Judges Registration by filling out this Judge's registration form.  (The school is also asking that you please share this email or judge registration link with anyone else you think might be interested in being a judge.)
  • List PMI Phoenix as the organization that you are representing (sixth field down on the form).
  • Please send an email to steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org to let him know that you are participating in this endeavor.
  • Track the hours that you spend performing your feedback responsibilities.
  • If you do have questions regarding this, please contact Steve Poessnecker (steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org) or Pamela Fulk, STEM/CREST Coordinator for Paradise Valley Schools (pfulk@pvschools.net).


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