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Paradise Valley Science Fair Judges Needed


PMI Phoenix is requesting judges to assist with the Paradise Valley Science and Engineering Fair is coming in February. PMI Phoenix Academic Outreach is continually looking for ways to give back to our community. This is an opportunity where we can provide educational mentoring and assistance to students so that they can get feedback from project management professionals.

From a judging standpoint, you will be judging the process and you do not have to be an expert in a particular scientific or engineering area. The high school in-person interviews will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2024, from 8-11:30 am in the small gym on the PVHS campus.   The 9th and 12th-grade students who had a fall CREST class will compete along with a few teams from other grades. The time commitment for judges is approximately 2-3 hours between 2/3/24 and 2/8/24 to judge projects virtually, and 8-11:30 am on Saturday, 2/10/24, to conduct in-person interviews at PVHS. Judges will interview the same teams they review the digital content prior. 

The PVSchools K-8 SEF will be held virtually and judged virtually only.  Judging dates for K-8 are February 13-22, 2024.  The same time commitment of 2-3 hours also applies to the K-8 judging window and will use the same judge registration form.


  • Register to be a judge! Who Can Judge? Professionals, Technicians, High School and College students, teachers and professors, and parents. Please list PMI Phoenix as the organization that you are representing.
  • Please send an email to steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org to let him know that you are participating in this endeavor.
  • Please track the hours that you spend performing your feedback  responsibilities.
  • If you do have questions regarding this, please contact Steve Poessnecker (steve.poessnecker@pmiphx.org) or Pamela Fulk, M.Ed.  NBCT CREST / STEM Coordinator, pfulk@pvschools.net.F


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