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PMP Exam Change

Certifications and PDUs
The PMP exam will change from July 1, 2020. It means the current exam will remain valid until 1st July 2020 and after that, the candidates must prepare for the new exam.

When is the next PMP Prep class?

We are having a PMP Study group that's free for the member to join, it runs every Saturday for 9 weeks. The last session before the new test change is March 21 and you can find out registration for this event here: https://pmiphx.org/calendar?eventId=3892

PMP Bootcamps

The Chapter is working to wrap up negotiation with a training partner.  We will update on the website with pricing and location for the event by March 30th and here are a couple of potential dates: 

May 18,19,20,21

Jun 10,11,12,13 

Aug 12,13,14,15​  (with the new test format)


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