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President's Corner August 2021

A word from the President

The Board of Director’s Election opened on August 1st.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to vote, please check your inbox for an email from PMI Phoenix Chapter Nominations And Election Committee <noreply@votenet.com>.  The election closes soon, so make sure your vote is counted and cast your ballot.


In addition to the Board of Directors election, we will be holding a special election in September for a By-Laws Revision.  Please weigh in on that as well.  This revision changes the board's structure and gives the board more agility to react to the changing needs of the chapter. The ballot will be sent out on September 6th.  You can read more about the change and review the new by-laws at this link on the chapter website.


Looking ahead to the next few months, we have some significant events planned.  We are staying virtual for the time being as expected covid surge has coincided with the return to school.  We will continue to conduct risk assessments as it relates to holding live events on a month-by-month basis.  If you haven’t been vaccinated and are eligible, I encourage you to get the vaccine.  That is the quickest way back to normalcy for everyone.


We have a great list of upcoming events:


8/18 – Webinar: Effective Communication: At The Office Or Working From Home

8/21 – PMI Chapter Xchange - Design Thinking in Project Management

8/24 – Project Masters - Toastmasters

8/27 – Breakfast Meeting - How to network and build your business or career when you can’t leave home


We also have a special event with the ASU PM Summit on 9/29.  The chapter has partnered with ASU PM Network and the VPMMA for the virtual summit, and you will have the opportunity to earn 16 PDU’s throughout the event.  The event is virtual, and all the speakers will be recorded, and those recordings will be available post-event.  The event is free so sign up at this link today to attend.


All this information is distributed in our weekly newsletter. If you don't get our newsletter currently and would like to sign up for it you can do so on the chapter website's front page.


If you have any questions or have suggestions for chapter value enhancement, please contact me at shane.cretacci@pmiphx.org.


Thank you for your membership.


Sincerely and Respectfully,

Shane Cretacci, PMP

Chapter President

PMI Phoenix Chapter


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