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President's Letter

A word from the President

Happy New Year!  I hope that everyone had a good holiday break and the opportunity to visit with friends and family.

The last year has been challenging and during that time the volunteers at the chapter have been laying the groundwork for 2022.  We passed new by-laws last year allowing the board to break out of old silos and become a more agile group.  We hope that this change will allow us the ability to respond quickly to the changing environment and needs of the chapter membership.  We will continue to work on this organizational change in 2022.

We also elected several new board members and are in the process of finalizing our 2022 strategy with this new team.  Part of that strategy will include more efforts in the area of Social Good.  While this has always been a part of what the chapter does we are committing more volunteers and hours in this area.

Are you wondering what is Social Good is?  Social good is something that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way, such as clean air, clean water, healthcare, and literacy. Also known as the "common good," social good can trace its history to Ancient Greek philosophers and implies a positive impact on individuals or society in general. It also provides the basis for charity or philanthropic work.

Current and Ongoing Social Good Initiatives that the chapter has underway are our Future Cities participation and our Food Drive for St. Mary’s Food Bank.  We are looking to expand these types of initiatives in 2022.  In order to do that we will need volunteers.  We are accepting applications for volunteer work and our volunteer pool.  If you wish to participate in a future social good initiative, then please apply for our volunteer pool here to be added to the list.

We also have some great events coming up in January and the rest of the year.  I hope to see you at an event soon.

  • 1/12 - The Science of Planning a Project that #GSD
  • 1/19 - Agile Straight Talk
  • 1/26 - Transformational Leadership Program
  • 1/28 - Breakfast Meeting: the project Management Journey


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