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January 2020 President's Corner

A word from the President

So, what does 2020 bring for the chapter…. A quality plan of action for virtual events, we recognize that we can do better with sound and streaming. We are making execution of events a priority with more robust testing and continuing to replace/improve equipment with a focus on quality of our technology platform of our aged assets. We are also building a dedicated AV team, so event logistics are improved.  There is volunteer opportunity if you have background in this area or are willing to spend time learning.

The board has been working hard to plan 2020.  Every month is planned, and specific event details will be published on the website, your go to place for information.

What’s Happening?

Looking for PDUs in January? Attend a breakfast meeting or write an article on your area of expertise.

We are still seeking local speakers for our events, so we have a broad range of topics and industries to grow our knowledge. Let us know if you want to learn more or be a part of the Speakers Bureau volunteer team.

If you do not see the event you were looking for, let us know so we can explore options.  You do not have to wait for a survey, there is a suggestion box on the website and the board receives your suggestions or concern with a direct email.  It is your voice and your chapter. Together we can raise the bar and be relevant.

Cory Smith, MBA, PMP, CSM
PMI Phoenix Chapter



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