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President's Letter May 2021

A word from the President

Each nominee must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a Chapter member in good standing at the time of the election
  • Receive at least three nominations
  • Agree to serve in the position for which he or she is nominated
  • Any Chapter member in good standing may nominate another member
  • A Chapter member may select him or herself as one of the three nominations
  • The President-Elect must have served six months as a PMI® Board member within the last two years before taking office.

It is a great honor to be nominated to serve on the board. Most people are selected because they have a passion for project management or have specific skills to contribute to the Chapter. There are pros and cons to serving on the board.  

The number of pros is numerous and will benefit you for a lifetime. The first is listing that position on your resume. Employers will give you credit for volunteering for a non-profit board. They will likely want to know more about your involvement, especially any knowledge or skills you acquired during your time on the board. You will also have many professional development opportunities presented by PMI and the Chapter on leadership and governance. You will also have the opportunity to expand your network, which can be very beneficial in other areas of your life. Finally, serving on the board will allow you to give back to the community and the profession and impact the next generation of project managers.

There are some cons. 

The pay is terrible. As a volunteer, there is no monetary compensation for your time. But time is all that the Chapter will ask of you. You will be required to attend all scheduled board meetings, which is one a month plus the additional time to fulfill your role's duties. A complete list of the job responsibilities for each board position is available here. Anyone considering running for a board position should also be familiar with the Articles of Incorporation and the Chapter Bylaws posted on the chapter website here.

If you're considering running for a position, then I encourage you to reach out to a sitting board member and ask them to chat about serving on the board. It's a great way to learn and possibly gather a nomination for yourself. 

If you're not sure a board position is correct for you at the moment, consider volunteering in a different capacity to learn more about the Chapter. We are always looking for volunteers, and you can apply here.



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