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Volunteer Spotlight - Alex Green

Volunteer Spotlight

Alex-Green.pngWhy did Alex engage as a volunteer? It was twofold, to give back and get something for himself as a lifelong learner. Alex Green shared, “I enjoy learning from the diverse and extensive experience of the other volunteer facilitators, and I wanted to contribute in an impactful way to assist PMP candidates to master the material and pass the exam. Getting to meet experienced project managers and learning how they’ve utilized PMBOK methodologies into their projects throughout their careers, has been invaluable.” Alex wants to build up his base and explore other industries and how they operated projects, so he has more tools in his toolbox. Alex looks to his hero mother for inspiration, Carolyn Green who is a seasoned PMP. He chose to become a second-generation project manager. He is amazed by witnessing her energy which is produced if you love are doing what you love what you are doing. His proudest moment to date is on presenting a communications project which helped overcome his fear of speaking, his recent marriage since he had to publicly speak his memorized vows and improving his verbal communication skill in general. He clearly is working on improving his perceived weakness by volunteering as a study group facilitator.  Alex Green’s long-term goal is to “find a way to repay the universe for all of the fortunate people and things that I’ve been blessed to have in my life.” 

Which causes keep Alex passionate outside his career? Ensuring that LGBTQ and youth are empowered. “I was very fortunate to have supportive friends and family in my personal journey and feel everyone deserves to develop in a safe and compassionate space.”

Communication as a skill was the theme of our conversation. It is difficult to herd cats to communicate a problem from the bottom up. A key component is to find out how departments interact and build a bigger picture of where you or your project fit and then to guide decision making based on functional areas of knowledge.  Alex wants to encourage others in my circle to pursue something, to continually learn and grow so you don’t get left behind by being complacent. The value you bring by personal learning and growing for your own growth to see if you can improve your value is immeasurable.  Finding out why are you unhappy is more of an art than a science, there is always growth and balance. School teaches you crazy skills but lack the science of the human skills. It is a factor in the great resignation, we need more of work life balance and personal time. So many people testing the waters to find that balance. “Corporate culture needs to support that balance rather than on the bottom line. Its not about money if all your needs are met - will that bring happiness to your life. If employers don’t adapt, they could sink.” 

Alex Green’s advice to members who are on the certification journey, “The PMI Phoenix Chapter can be a great learning and networking resource for current and prospective PMPs with just a little time and commitment.”


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