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Volunteer Spotlight - Dennis Kinton

Volunteer Spotlight


“Volunteering is a selfless act, and seeking recognition should never be your goal. While I am humbled by this recognition, I did not expect it. Volunteering is truly an opportunity to give back for no other reason than to give.” These are the wise words of Dennis Kinton, volunteer of the month.  Dennis has volunteered for PMI’s involvement with Future Cities Arizona and most recently was the Director of Future Cities Competition.  His role involved directing the Future Cities PMI portion competition and acting as a Judge for the competition. Work networking opportunities led Dennis to his volunteering: “Riley Sedam, the previous director of the future cities, asked if I wanted to volunteer, and I said yes :).”  Since then, he states that the rewarding part of the role is “being able to see the end results from the [student] teams and seeing how they put their project plans into action.” 

Outside of PMI, Dennis in a multi-faceted individual.  From a continual improvement perspective, he is passionate about continuous learning in whatever form.  It can through official education or certification or even courses on linked in or YouTube. It becomes obvious that this comes from his heroes: his parents and his wife. “Through all my certifications and my education, I will never learn more than my parents taught me about life. And my wife has been the pillar that has held our home together as I have gone through school and sought certifications.” Dennis is currently celebrating his proudest moment of opening his own business. “Seeing my name as owner of Chuck’s Wagon Crafts was a moment I had always dreamed of but never thought that I could achieve.” 

Dennis also has some fun sides, too.  His hidden talent is knowing how to juggle and make balloon animals, a talent he has yet to find a use.  However, he states, “but if my career as a project manager ever ends, I know I can always transition to the circus!”  And he ‘fessed up to being a huge Taylor Swift fan! 

In conclusion we can learn much from Dennis’ philosophy: “Never accept mediocracy or allow others to limit your ambition. Your path is what you make it, and there are countless ways to achieve your goals.” 


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