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Volunteer Spotlight - Ken Goebel

Volunteer Spotlight
Ken had been a Global PMI member for the past 10 years but decided to join the Phoenix PMI Chapter 2 years ago in January 2021. He joined the Mentorship team as a mentor and the Social Good team. When asked what prompted his role in volunteering, he shared that he "spoke to our chapter leadership team and felt that it was a good time to give back and with their guidance, joined both teams."
In October of 2020, after retiring, for the second time, I was looking to give  back to my two professional passions, STEM and Project/Program Management.  I experience great satisfaction in seeing young students, Engineers and Project Managers, who are early in their careers, learn new skills and advance their potential.  It was my time to give back to the communities and professions that provided me great opportunities during my 44-year long career.   
Over his career he volunteered in very diverse in capacity, with many organizations. These included, youth groups at church, marriage preparation dialog leadership, YMCA/YWCA Swim Team Official and Board Member, USA Swimming Official, International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers, PMI-Chapters, St. Joseph’s Providence Hospital Volunteer Coordinator, Organizations dedicated to Bicycle Safety and Triathlons, HOA Treasurer and Board Member.
When asked what has been rewarding about your volunteer service he elaborated that "I was raised by two wonderful parents who taught us all to give back to society, in the fields about which we are passionate and put our God Given talents to good use.  They set a great example, and we have followed in their footsteps.  My biggest lesson from volunteering can be summed up in saying, the volunteer receives as much, if not more, than those we serve.  I can say, with confidence, that through service to others, I have learned valuable life lessons, which carry forward in all that I do. Volunteer service to benefit others, has been highly rewarding.
If you are considering volunteering, Ken feels that you should "just do it, get involved.  Become a volunteer, either at PMI Global or our Phoenix Chapter. You will dive in, learn much about yourself, your profession and enjoy the process of giving back." 

Ken Goebel has always been a Strong believer in Servant Leadership.  If you want to advance your career, first learn to serve the team and others.  In the right organization, this will be valued and appreciated.  “The first and most important choice a leader makes is the choice to serve, without which one’s capacity to lead is severely limited.”  -  Robert Greenleaf



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