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Volunteer Spotlight - Meghan Booth

Member Spotlight
Volunteer Spotlight
"The most rewarding part of my volunteer service is the relationships I’ve created. I’ve met some extraordinary people through my volunteer ventures." Meghan's advice to new volunteers is: "the relationships you create by meeting new people are very rewarding. All have a vested interest in using their PM skills to better the world." Her motto: "it’s all about the experiences.  Change may be uncomfortable, but it will allow for the most growth."
Her proudest career moment was at a previous company: "We lost a major client. The employees who supported that client were either let go or provided the opportunity to support another client. My project was creating a better culture where the employees felt like they belonged. The project was a success and after it launched, one of the employees in this situation reached out to me to thank me for helping them feel valued by our company instead of discarded."
Meghan's heroes are her parents. "My mother and father came from two completely different backgrounds, one from Calexico (California) and the other from a small town in Illinois. Being an interracial couple in the 1970s was difficult, but they made it work. My parents taught me, you can understand who a person is by their actions, not by their visible features."
When asked why service was important to her, Meghan responded: "I honestly feel that another generation is watching us to see how we make things better. We are teaching others how to serve. You really grow as an individual, build another relationship or another cause. It's contagious like a yawn; other people see you do it and they 'yawn' too." While many people fear change, Meghan embraces it "Progress little by little until you embrace change. Change direction or find a new route, and you grow in your journey."
What aspect of project management most appeals to you? "It is the relationships and creative journey. In collaboration, you are not the only person who wants the end goal. As project managers, we need to emphasize the value that individuals bring to the team. If people are part of a team, they are part of the family with a vested interest. They share their thoughts and expertise,  helping influence the rest of the team."


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