Board Meeting

Monthly Chapter Board Meeting


1 Establish Quorum and Call to Order (5 min)

2 Reading the Minutes of the Previous Meeting [and their approval] (5 min)

3 Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees

3.1 Chapter Financial Report (5 min)

3.2 Academic Outreach Status Report (5 min)

3.3 Social Good Status Report (5 min)

3.4 Operations Status Report (5 min)

3.5 Marketing Status Report

3.6 Membership Report (5 min)

3.7 Military Outreach Status Report (5 min)

3.8 Professional Development Status Report (5 min)

3.9 Chair Status Report (5 min)

4 Reports of Special (Select) Committees

5 Break (10 min)

10 Minute Break

6 Executive Session

Non-Board Members are excused

6.1 Special Orders

High priority business items

6.1.1 Volunteer of the Month (10 min)

Board to nominate candidates for the volunteer of the month, discuss merits of each candidate, and vote on it to determine the chosen volunteer.

6.2 Unfinished Business and General Orders

6.3 New Business

7 Closing and Adjournment

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Type of category: Board Meeting

Date: April 25th, 2022

Hours: 6:00PM to 8:30PM

Number of PDUs: 0.0


Members: 1Free


Webex Meeting