First Time Login

Welcome to PMI Phoenix Chapter! 

When logging in for the first time under Member Login, use your PMI.org credentials for username and your password for logging in. Our chapter site has single-sign-on. 

If you have not received your credentials for signing up, you'll need to 'Sign Up' as a New User and complete a brief application.  This application will take a few days to process.

In the meantime, please use the Chapter's Login Help in the upper right hand corner and complete the following: for username - use your PMI ID, for password, use your lastname.

Once your credential from PMI.org comes through, this temporary account information will be overwritten. However, this allows you to use member benefits in the meantime.  The Login Help can also be used when Single-Sign-On is temporarily unavailable, which is rare.

If you have questions or concerns,the Board's contact information can be found under About -> Chapter Board of Directors. Reach out to the VP of Membership or the President. regarding Membership issues.

Please, take a few minutes to explore the site and join us at a meeting, a class, a networking event or perhaps be a volunteer?  We do have orientation for new members, so please join us. We hope to hear from you!

Change Password

When first logging into the PMI Phoenix Chapter website your password is your last name with the first letter in uppercase. This password will remain unless you decide to change it.

How to change your password:

  1. Login to website and locate User Menu on left side of home screen. Click on My Account.
  2. Select 'Update Your Profile' from the Edit dropdown menu (above Profile Page header).
  3. On the 'Edit Your Details' screen under Contact Info tab, type your new Password, then re-type to Verify Password, and click the Update button.

You have now successfully changed your password! Please note: it is not recommended that you change your logonid.

Chapter Member Discounts

As a Member of PMI Phoenix Chapter, you are eligible for a discount on Chapter sponsored events. Make sure that you are logged in to the website when registering for an event to take advantage of the member discount. When you are logged in your name should appear in the upper right.

Getting a PDU Certificate

Need your PDU Certificate Quickly?

See the Events Tab and follow the instructions outlined on 'Claim a PDU' page. Refer to the Topic of the Meeting and the Speaker Name as listed on the Calendar, when completing the form.

After a meeting, we reconcile the list of attendees and then send out the PDU information. Self-service is available with 'Claim a PDU'. Please note that we maintain a list of attendees and can provide confirmation in case of an audit. Always sign in when attending an event and follow the code of ethics when claiming PDUs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Claim a PDM PDU
Add Chapter Membership

If you are a current PMI Global member and would like to join our chapter please follow the instructions below:

  1. Click here for the PMI Global Marketplace and login to your account.
  2. Click on Community Membership, then Chapter.
  3. Locate the Phoenix chapter and click the Join button.
  4. Click Add to Cart and Checkout (fee is $40).

Note: You are free to join more than one local PMI chapter if you wish.

Local Chapters
Calendar Event(s) Registration

Log into the PMI portal
- Go to your profile under your name
- Click on the Pheonix Chapter - A calendar of events will be displayed to the right of the screen
- Select the date of the event
- Click on the specific event, it will open up in a new page, scroll down to the bottom of the page
- Click on Register for this event
- It will ask you to 'add it to cart' whether there is a fee or if it is a free event
- if you are done - then check out, if not,
- Select the next date and repeat.