PMI Phoenix Chapter

Chapter Board of Director Elections

The PMI Phoenix Chapter holds an annual election for rotating offices on the Board of Directors. If you are considering running or want more information on this year’s election review the information on this page and via the links below.

Nomination Form

Election FAQ

What are the Benefits

Serving on the PMI Phoenix Chapter Board of Directors takes time and dedication, but it is not without its rewards.

Board Members:

  • Further, the development and advancement of the project management profession locally in Phoenix.
  • Opportunities for career visibility and leadership growth.
  • Opportunity to expand your network and knowledge with other professionals.
  • Access to the best practices and trends in project management.
  • Have a voice in the strategic direction of the chapter.
  • Earn PDUs: Category E Volunteer Service - serve as an elected volunteer officer for a project management organization, including PMI chapters, for a minimum of 3 months
Are there current opportunities?

We are currently looking for leaders to join our dynamic team to serve starting in 2023.

The current open board positions are:

  • Chair Elect for Board Chair (2 years)
  • Board Director (2 years, duties determined by the board)
  • Board Director (2 years, duties determined by the board)
  • Board Director (2 years, duties determined by the board)

Details of roles & responsibilities can be found here in the Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities document. 

How do I know if I qualify?

In order to run in the election, a nominee must:

  • Be a Chapter member in good standing at the time of the election
  • Receive at least three nominations
  • Agree to serve in the position for which he or she is nominated
  • Any Chapter member in good standing may nominate another member
  • A Chapter member may nominate him or herself as one of the three nominations
  • The Chair-Elect must have served 6 months as a PMI® Board member within the last two years prior to taking office.
  • Nominations are submitted by an e-form, which will be opened during the nomination process window.  See the timeline below for the dates.
  • In case of any questions, please email
What is the process for 2023?

Call for nominations May 2023:

  • Nominations Committee evaluates and interviews the nominees May through July 2023
  • Evaluation may include the following: Nominee’s agreement to be on ballot, resume submission, leadership questionnaire to be filled/submitted
  • Interview with Nominations Committee
  • Nominations Committee confirms nominees July 2023
  • Ballot announcement August 2023
  • Nominee's presentation at August Chapter Meeting: Each nominee gets two minutes to present in front of the chapter members
  • Elections open - September 1
  • Elections close - October 1
  • Results Presentation at October Chapter Meeting
  • Transition Period (Outgoing Board ===> Incoming Board) October - December
Can I Volunteer?

We have a full Nominations Commitee at this time but there will always be next year. If you are interested in volunteering there are several other great options Here.

How do I vote?

All chapter members will receive an email with voting instructions on September 1st when the election opens.  The email will contain a link to the online ballot, allowing you to log in and vote.  The email will be sent to the primary email address in your profile. 

By-Laws Revision

Proposed change to Article V, Section 2 for the change to the Chair term from 2 years to 1 year. Also, to change the Chair-Elect to be elected from the board by the board.

Proposed By-Laws

Elections Timeline

01 May 2023

01 Jun 2023

01 Aug 2023

03 Sept 2023

01 Oct 2023

15 Oct 2023

01 Nov 2023

Call for Nominations

Nominations Period is now closed

Nominee Confirmation Process

Nominations Committee confirm nominees and request presentations for August 2023

Nominees Announced

Elections Open

Elections Closed

Election Results

Results Presentation at October Chapter Meeting

Transition Period

Incoming board members attend board meetings with their counterparts and begin the transition into their position and take office on Jan 1, 2024.
