The Project Management Institute Phoenix is grateful to have the support of so many local organizations. Through the support, we have a Corporate Ambassador Program (CAP) for those organizations with a presence in the Phoenix Metropolitan and surrounding areas.

About the Corporate Ambassador Program

The Corporate Ambassador Program is an opportunity to be part of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and PMI-Phoenix and act as your organization’s voice. You can bring in ideas, share experiences, and become an inherent part of PMI on behalf of your organization. The program also allows you to help improve and streamline the flow of information between PMI and the corporations in our area and allow those organizations to help contribute to the success of the chapter.

Why Join?

Corporate Ambassador Benefits:

  • 5 PDUs available per year based on meeting active involvement criteria. (Note: this is a term position of one year with potential for renewal).
  • Recognition among peer project managers within your organization and in the PMI. As well, the recognition of your organization by attending chapter events.
  • Valuable networking and collaboration experience with other Corporate Ambassadors.
  • Introduce and share best practices within your organization to promote and improve project management practices.

Corporate Ambassador Roles:

Expected to actively participate in their role as follows:

  • Proactively establish yourself as the focal point within your organization for communications about PMI-Phoenix.
  • Share concerns/suggestions/ideas on how to improve PMI-Phoenix to efficiently cater to its members.
  • Participate in Company Ambassador group meetings.
  • Actively participate with other PMI-Phoenix Committees to develop and implement methods to attract membership interest and involvement within your organization.
  • Lead networking events linking your organization
    with PMI.

 Suggestions for Company Ambassador Involvement:

  • Build your own distribution list for potential members and send informative e-mails to encourage them to attend PMI Phoenix events.
  • Host a company brown bag lunch event with PMI Phoenix leaders.
  • Coordinate a mini-symposium on project management in your company to communicate the value of Project Management and PMI Phoenix membership.
  • Work with your Corporate Management Team to engage and promote PMI-Phoenix events and the value of membership.

Measures of Corporate Ambassador Success:

  • Increase your brand as a leader and change champion
  • Improved awareness of PMI Phoenix within your organization and a greater understanding of the evolving domain of Project and Program Management.
  • Net increase in the number of PMI Phoenix members in your company each year
  • Net increase in number or percentage of Certified Project Management professionals in your organization each year.
  • Net increase in your ability to lead and drive Project Management initiatives in your organization

Requirements to be a Corporate Ambassador

  • Must be a member of PMI and the PMI Phoenix Chapter - Not a member? Join Here

If you have any questions then please reach out to Patricia Suiter or Manish Arora.

Volunteer to be a Corporate Ambassador!
