Lead the Way for PM's | Your Clear Next Step (July-December)

Power Skills

Coaching Sessions Dates

All sessions will take place from 2:00-3:00PM CDT (12:00-1:00PM AZ time)
July 26th

August 23rd

September 27th

October 25th

November 22nd

December 20th

Lead The Way for PM’s is intended for project managers who are leaders of people. Whether formal, professional leadership, or informal, organizational or volunteer leadership, Lead The Way for PM’s will help you grow all of your people leadership skills.

By participating in Lead The Way for PM’s, participants will…

– form better working relationships with those who work for and with you

– Gain practical, tactical tips, and techniques to improve their own ability to navigate through the sometimes sticky situations of people leadership

– Encounter encouragement, support, and creative innovation that comes from working through challenges with a group of people


About the Sessions

1. Communicating Well (aka Finding Your Leadership Voice)
In this first session we focus on the foundations of effective communication: it’s critical to your success as a leader, it’s hard and requires more time, effort and energy than you might want to put in, and it’s not about you or your message but about your audience and what they are hearing and perceiving in you. Finding your leadership voice is about, not only understanding yourself and what you want to say, but more importantly discovering your audience(s) as a leader and communicating in a way that resonates and achieves the results you’re looking for.

2. Embracing our Differences (aka Emotional Intelligence on the Good Days)
This session explores some of the many ways we are unique. The art and discipline of emotional intelligence requires that we become self-aware and learn to self-manage before we can become aware of and manage others. This session offers you some ways to figure out who you are, how you think, and how you interact in a variety of different dimensions. We can’t put people in boxes, but we can interact with people more effectively when we understand and delight in the fact that we’re different, rather than insisting we’re all the same.

3. Inspirational Leadership (aka Setting Expectations and Following Through)
Human nature dictates, we usually want to know what’s expected of us and how we’re doing compared to the expectation. A critical success factor for any people-leader is to articulate expectations clearly, ensure they have been understood, and then provide timely, relevant, meaningful feedback about someone’s performance compared to the expectations. This session will give you the tools you need to do just that.

4. Managing Performance and Feedback (aka Emotional Intelligence on the Tough Days)
This session prepares you for the most difficult conversations: whether that’s providing praise, which has proven to be a challenge for you, giving feedback, even when it runs the risk of making the other person uncomfortable, or simply finding the time in your schedule effective leadership conversations. The purpose of this session is to maximize your own emotional intelligence and self-management in the moment while also being sensitive to the other person in the conversation so you can manage the relationship effectively.

5. Leading Through Change (aka Bringing Yourself and Others Through Change Successfully)
In today’s world, leaders of people must be adept at helping others navigate through periods of change and transition efficiently and effectively. This requires understanding the basic principles of change management and how to listen to, empathize with, connect with, and inspire your team members to greatness at every stage of the transition process. It also requires being aware of your own position in the change journey and being able to separate your own perspective from theirs so that you can help them. This session equips you to lead effectively through any change you encounter.

6. Growing the Bench (aka Developing Potential in Others so You Can Prepare for What’s Next)
Effective people-leadership requires developing others and growing bench strength within our organizations. Growing bench strength makes for more humble leaders and more effective organizations, as they are better able to respond in times of stress. This session focuses on how to help others in their personal and professional development, while also identifying and preparing your successor for the good of the organization.


Meet Your Coach


Sinikka is a recognized leader in understanding people and in adapting tools, techniques, and processes to meet the demands of the situation at hand. As a popular presenter and trainer, her energetic and engaging style drives home the art and science of making business better for individuals, teams, and organizations. 

Learn more about Sinikka here.

Register with discount code pmiltw2022 for $50 off: https://www.yourclearnextstep.com/product/lead-the-way-for-pms/

Registration Information:

Registration Information is sent to your PMI.org profile email address unless you modify the email address during registration.  Update your PMI profile here. to ensure it is sent to the correct email address.


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Type of category: Educational events

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: July 26th, 2022

Hours: 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Number of PDUs: 12


Members: 1$750.00

Non members: 1$750.00
