Breakfast Meeting: Project Management - Local to Global

Power Skills

Typical Agenda:

  • 7:15 AM: Webex Open for Discussion and Networking
  • 7:30 AM: Welcome/introductions/announcements
  • 7:35 AM  Featured Presentation
  • 8:30 AM: Adjourn

Presentation Title: Project Management - Local to Global

Connecting awareness of White House priorities, UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Global Citizen with activities at home and in our local communities. Exercising Life Balance Project Management to reduce waste, conflict, and stress. AND enjoy our Purpose Communities.


Speaker Biography:

Felicity Blackwater

Felicity is a certified PMP, graduated from ASU with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies in Business and Communication, and is a Licensed Massage Therapist.

Twenty years specializing in Project efficiency and Organizational Stress Management for networks with over 26 Million members.

Author of STEPs to JOY, a Project Book on Life Balance framework, of life’s 5 JOYs [Goals - Health -  Relationships - Business - Sustainability] to save 5 limiting resources [Time - Money - Stress - Space - Pain]. And founded Purpose Community Goal Network to nurture connections between individuals and organizations, projects/process improvements on personal and global issues.

PDU: 1.0 Power Skills

If you have any questions, contact: Paul Bartel, PMP 

All meeting attendees will receive one (1) PDU for attending the meeting

REMINDER: We are always looking for volunteers to present at future breakfast meetings.

  • Your topic can be anything related to project management.
  • The presentation should last approximately 45-50 minutes, and you will receive 5 PDUs for your time and effort.

Registration Information:

Registration Information is sent to your profile email address unless you modify the email address during registration.  Update your PMI profile here. to ensure it is sent to the correct email address.


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Type of category: Breakfast Meetings

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: April 28th, 2023

Hours: 7:30AM to 8:30AM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: 1Free

Non members: 1$10.00


Online Meeting