Live Virtual Course: Project Leadership Skills (3 days)

Power Skills

Register for Project Leadership Skills. See the PMI Phoenix & IIL Partnership Page for your 15% off discount code.

About this Live Virtual Course:

To be effective within an organization, project managers need to have a wide variety of skills and abilities. Included among these are: creating and executing a vision; motivating others; influencing without authority; networking; communicating up, down, and laterally; negotiating; managing stakeholders; and managing conflict. This highly interactive workshop focuses on building the soft skills that are critical to leading a team and creating sustainable business change. Participants will gain insight into the social science as well as the brain science behind motivating and empowering others. They will learn and experiment with a variety of influencing strategies and tactics. Working in pairs as well as small groups, they will collaborate with others to brainstorm, share experiences, and apply concepts to everyday challenges. Participants will also discover their personal communication preferences, strengths, and blind spots and will gain insight into how best to communicate with others they find “ difficult.” They will gain insight into managing the people side of change and learning strategies for dealing with each step in the process. Hands-on negotiation and conflict management activities enhance theoretical learning, grounding it in real life and making it actionable. Interweaving role play with experiential learning and group activities, this course will help participants refine a skill set that is invaluable to their organization and one that transfers easily across their professional and personal lives.

Who should attend?

  • Project managers
  • Project directors
  • PMO members
  • Project specialists
  • Project team members

What Will You Learn?

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of vision in driving motivation and engagement
  • Apply science-based research to better motivate those around you
  • Strategically leverage both personal and positional power to achieve positive project results
  • Determine influencing and networking strategies needed for personal growth
  • Identify ways to problem solve communication challenges when others have different personality styles
  • Connect stakeholder expectations to project success criteria
  • Assess key stakeholders across various dimensions of complexity
  • Apply the four rules of principled negotiation to a real-life conflict situation
  • Recognize key aspects of a physiological response to conflict
  • Utilize selected tools and techniques to “defuse” an emotional situation
  • Leverage various strategies and tactics to successfully deal with ambiguity at work

Register for Project Leadership Skills. See the PMI Phoenix & IIL Partnership Page for your 15% off discount code.


Registration Information:

Registration Information is sent to your profile email address unless you modify the email address during registration.  Update your PMI profile here. to ensure it is sent to the correct email address.


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Type of category: Educational events

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: April 12th, 2023

Hours: 5:00AM to 9:00AM

Number of PDUs: 12


Members: 1$723.00


International Institute for Learning

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