Live Webinar: Negotiating for Optimal Outcomes

Power Skills


About the Webinar

This webinar covers how negotiation is defined and the phases of negotiation, from preparation to measuring the outcomes of the negotiation. In addition, we will explore common approaches to negotiating and an-in depth review of the rules of principled negotiation.

What You Will Learn 

Attendees will be able to:

  • Prepare for an upcoming negotiation
  • Effectively move through the phases of a negotiation
  • Understand how to manage both soft and hard negotiators
  • Assess your common negotiating style
  • Utilize the rules of principled negotiation


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About the Speaker

Paul Nichols is a training consultant with extensive experience in designing and facilitating a wide variety of programs, including those focused on leadership development, communications, performance improvement, presentation skills, and change management. Through executive coaching, he has worked with leaders to improve their individual and group effectiveness. Paul is skilled at providing valuable feedback to individuals and is familiar with many forms of self-assessment and 360-degree tools.

Registration Information:

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Type of category: IIL Advantage Program

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: April 18th, 2023

Hours: 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Members: 1Free

Non members: 1$10.00


International Institute for Learning

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