Multi-Chapter Meeting | Modernizing Project Management

Power Skills
  1. Change is constant in project and portfolio management, requiring companies and their teams to adapt quickly to shifting priorities and objectives.
  2. To keep pace and keep strategy and operations aligned, they need Management Adaptability: a set of change management processes or frameworks to facilitate agility, improve execution, and achieve on-time, on-budget delivery.
  3. Digital transformation enables this shift toward adaptive project and portfolio management and breaks down data and communication silos across the organization.
  4. This approach can help PMOs leverage adaptive PPM to reach three essential goals: drive value realization, provide ongoing change leadership, and optimize performance

Learning Objectives: At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Simplify data collection and increase contributor engagement
  • Achieve clear visibility across the project and portfolio landscape to gain clarity and enable smarter, data-driven decision-making.
  • Think critically about their current situation and PPM tools, identify and understand gaps, and see that there is a better way.
  • Implement a continuous improvement cycle to achieve a more modern, adaptive PPM approach.

Speaker: James Walker


James Walker has spent over a decade of his career assisting global organizations with their digital transformation initiatives. Known for his focus and commitment to achieving results, James helps organizations expand their modern work management practices to drive more efficiencies and support the corporate objectives of those that he serves.

As the SVP of Global Sales at Proggio, James is responsible for global revenue, operations, and consulting practices. James takes great pride in investing in those around him, understanding that leadership is about getting results while developing people and being motivated by their success.


  • 6:00 PM - 6:05 PM PDT - Registration and Announcements
  • 6:05 PM - 7:00 PM PDT - Presentation and Q&A

Registration Information:

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Type of category: Special Events

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: October 3rd, 2023

Hours: 6:00PM to 7:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: 1$5.00

Non members: 1$10.00


Zoom Meeting