#GSD Talk: Stop Trying to Improve Customer Perception

Ways of Working

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As much as IT project leaders hustle to manage customer perception, most stakeholders don't understand or care to understand the complicated processes of technology-led initiatives. Until things break, they don't really care what teams do.  All that really matters to stakeholders is that their problems are solved. 

Instead of a constant focus on customer service and perception, there's a better way. 

In this #GSD talk, we dive into finding the driving purpose of an initiative, the real-real problems that it seeks to solve, and framing a promised future stated that creates FOMO. Practical brand-building methods applied to projects to make them matter.  Get the project funded, stakeholder buy-in, and participation with a clear pathway to that delivers the necessary and expected outcomes.



  • Learn why IT Departments should stop trying to improve their customer's perceptions.
  • Why it's more important to figure out your team's role in Improving Customer Satisfaction, Employee Satisfaction, and Profitability
  • Develop a "Team Brand" that MATTERS to your people and your customers and drives the behavior you need, to achieve the necessary and expected outcomes.


REGISTER WITH 120VC: See PMI Phoenix's Membership Discount page to receive your code for $20 off!


Speaker: J. Scott, CEO 120VC


Speaker Bio:

From the start of his career spent jumping out of helicopters in the United States Navy, J. Scott has a long history of leadership, servanthood, and bearing witness to the transformative power of getting shit done. Since starting 120VC he's personally overseen the global transformational efforts within organizations such as DirecTV, Trader Joe's, Blizzard Entertainment, Sony Pictures, Mattel, and others. His team's unique, irreverent approach to change has generated breakthrough results and created meaningful jobs. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, J. Scott is a devoted husband and father and author of "It's Never Just Business: It's About People," and "The Irreverent Guide to Project Management," both available on Amazon.com.

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Type of category: Educational events

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: August 24th, 2023

Hours: 5:00PM to 6:30PM

Number of PDUs: 1.5


Members: 1$20.00

Non members: 1$40.00

