#GSD Talk: The Art of Leading a Team That #GSD

Ways of Working

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Nobody hires a leader because they want their organization to be the same in a month, 6 months, or a year. Leaders see what's next and lead their stakeholders to make what's new. To make things that matter, that solve a problem people think they have.

And ... effective leadership starts by creating a culture of discipline, trust, transparency, and accountability. This type of leadership requires that a leader is prepared, intentional about their goals and the battles they fight, and, that they are outcome obsessed.

The leadership model we predominantly see today is the "Cowboy-Up", "Show-Up, and Throw-Up," "Manage Expectations," and "Cross Our Fingers and Hope for the Best." When this approach leads to less than optimal results from the responsible teams, these managers think it's their job to "Hold Employees Accountable."

When holding people accountable doesn't work, they blame their transformation disciplines. They focus on fixing their Project Management, Agile, Scrum, DevOps, SAFe, and Change Management processes and frameworks. And when all else fails they call 120VC.

Join J. Scott Founder of 120VC, "The GSD Company," and learn how to be a leader that puts the foundation in place for a culture of discipline, trust, transparency, and accountability in service of building a high-performing team that Gets Sh*t Done that matters. You will walk away with tools and techniques proven to drive better outcomes, and that will set the foundation for improving the outcomes from your transformation disciplines.



  • Learn how to prepare to lead a team; effective leadership requires planning, intentionality, and discipline.
  • Learn to use the 2x2 Prioritization Matrix, a daily, weekly, and monthly OUTCOME prioritization tool.
  • Learn how to conduct a weekly focusing exercise to ensure you block time to complete your #1 priorities.
  • Learn how to use a daily communication tool to prepare for and align your team on the priorities for the NEXT day.
  • Learn how to conduct a weekly team meeting, ensure alignment to objectives, and ensure your team is focused on their #1 priorities.
  • Learn how to rationalize future 2x2 items that move the needle and test them for demand before committing them to your Prioritization Matrix.


REGISTER WITH 120VC: See PMI Phoenix's Membership Discount page to receive your code for $20 off!


Speaker: J. Scott, CEO 120VC


Speaker Bio:

From the start of his career spent jumping out of helicopters in the United States Navy, J. Scott has a long history of leadership, servanthood, and bearing witness to the transformative power of getting shit done. Since starting 120VC he's personally overseen the global transformational efforts within organizations such as DirecTV, Trader Joe's, Blizzard Entertainment, Sony Pictures, Mattel, and others. His team's unique, irreverent approach to change has generated breakthrough results and created meaningful jobs. In addition to being a successful entrepreneur, J. Scott is a devoted husband and father and author of "It's Never Just Business: It's About People," and "The Irreverent Guide to Project Management," both available on Amazon.com.

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Type of category: Educational events

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: November 14th, 2023

Hours: 5:00PM to 6:30PM

Number of PDUs: 1.5


Members: 1$20.00

Non members: 1$40.00

